Creator Spotlight - Heelleen

This is our Creator Spotlight post! We'll be highlighting creators in our community who have caught our eye for their high-quality work. This week, we're showcasing the work by Heelleen who has produced a fantastic line of clothing and accessories under the brand name ELL in the Shop!

Heelleen has been a creator in Sinespace for a while, and she has been busy creating clothing and accessories for female avatars. If you like the sexy and alternative styles, Heelleens' items are just what you want to get! 

She specialises in making piercings and chokers, and also alternative clothing as shown above. She has also made some clubbing dresses, jeans and tops. 

To find all of Heelleens' clothing, click on the Shop button at the bottom of the Sinespace client, and search for ELL in the search bar. Happy shopping! 

Written by Hannah on Monday April 30, 2018
