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Talk like a Pirate Day!

Talk like a Pirate Day!

Arhh me hearties!

| Wednesday September 18, 2019
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Ahoy me mateys. Come 'n sail th' high seas 'n dance like a Pirate, on a Pirate Ship, listenin' t' shanties!

For those of you who don't speak Pirate, climb aboard the High Seas Galleon and dance the night away with DJs Jay and Les on 19th September at 8PM UTC/1PM PST/4PM EST.

For users on PST/EST time, we have more dancing and listening to DJ Unruly Blues' awesome mix of music at the High Seas Galleon on 20th September at Midnight UTC/5PM PST (19th)/8PM EST (19th)

To get to the High Seas Galleon, click on Explore in-world and search for High Seas.

See you there me mateys!

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